From last update my "N" and "B" hotkeys doesn t work anymore and i don t know how to set them again.....i ve searched in "configure hotkeys" but i didn t find them or maybe i m too dumb and didn t see them.....How can i set them again?.....Cheers
Note that any hotkeys listed in this article assume the default hotkey settings, using a standard American QWERTY keyboard. If you use an alternate keyboard layout through the Windows layout manager, hotkeys will function as if you were using a QWERTY keyboard, but will be relabeled to accommodate your keyboard - that is to say, if you have an A key where the Q key would be for QWERTY, most hotkeys will treat an A as a Q. However, keyboard layout changes made through other methods (registry editors like Sharpkeys, for example, or hardware-mapped keyboard layouts) are invisible to StarCraft 2's client, and you must adjust the hotkeys as necessary.
red alert 2 hotkeys
A keyboard, although blunt, is a faster and more precise and exact instrument than a mouse; thus, hotkeys offer fast, precise, and exact execution of commands. A mouse must be navigated across the screen to execute commands; even assuming a very high DPI setting and perfect accuracy on the part of the player, clicking the mouse button still takes approximately the same amount of time as pressing a key. Thus, using a hotkey is always faster than using the mouse.
Imagine that the Red Player is using hotkeys, and the Blue Player is not. Let us assume that Blue is adept at using her mouse, and Red is equally adept at using his hotkeys. Blue's actions will typically take her 100ms (milliseconds; 1,000ms = one second) longer than Red. In a ten-minute game, assuming Blue has an APM of 120, her choice to neglect hotkeys adds up to 1.2 wasted seconds per minute. Very few players can control the mouse with the accuracy and celerity requisite to execute commands with only a 100ms delay over hotkeys; for most players neglecting hotkeys, the lost time balloons wildly out of control, and can be measured in minutes, not seconds.
Worse, certain actions can only be performed with hotkeys. For instance, control groups, base centering, and camera bookmarks are not accessible via the mouse. To demonstrate this, let's say that our two players are Terran, and have sent out an SCV to scout the enemy. While scouting they determine that they need more Marines.
The most common way to use your 10 hotkeys is to divide the keys into unit groups and building groups. Most Starcraft II players are finding that 4 unit control groups is usually sufficient; so keys 1 - 4 are assigned to unit groups while keys 5 - 0 are used for groups of buildings. You should experiment to find the key combinations which feel the most natural and easy to use for you.
Command hotkeys are pre-defined hotkeys which execute a command or issue an instruction to a selected unit/building when pressed. There are general hotkeys which apply for all races and there are race specific hotkeys which issue commands to the buildings and units of that race. In the Micro (StarCraft) section we discuss many of the key and mouse commands which can be used to position your units for attack.
By default Starcraft II allows the player to bind the F5 through F8 function keys to focus the camera on an area of the map. Note that there are more than four camera hotkeys available. Cameras five through eight can be defined in the Hotkeys panel of the options menu.
Vigorous, dynamic use of camera hotkeys offers the potential for exceptional efficiency in issuing commands and attending to the battlefield, independent of highly mobile control groups, and not subject to the vagaries of the Backspace key.
mine was the worst case scenario and couldn't even install the game, no matter what compatibility I choose (I have Win 10 x64).I needed to piece things together from differents sites & this address my last problem,the sound problem. I tried to follow but I'm obviusly missing somethingwhat I did in the end was:1. open XCC mixer2..lunched sound editor > Red alert 2 ( at first the directory was pointing at a wrong path, so needed to move the game to his old path 1st)3. deleted most of the ambiental sounds and closed it4. moved the language.mix to the game folder in my exagear folder at my phone but nothing is change
Though the right-hand vertical interface bar in Red Alert 2 will seem instantly familiar if you've played a Command & Conquer game before, you'll soon find that this particular interface is actually much better. The lower portion of the interface, which is used for building all the various units and structures available to your faction, is divided under four tabs: You click on the respective production tab to see all your available base infrastructure, base defenses, infantry units, and vehicle units. This division makes it easy to quickly find the right unit or structure you want to build. Red Alert 2 also lets you queue up multiple units for production, set rally points, and customize the keyboard hotkeys to your preference.
While Red Alert 2 used a heavily modified engine from Tiberian Sun, the sidebar mechanic was greatly expanded. It divided the building options to four tabs: buildings, defensive structures and support powers, infantry, and vehicles (with aircraft and naval units). Defensive structures could now be built independently from the regular structure "queue", and the default unit queue was raised from 5 to 30. On top of this, each queue could be quickly selected by using the Q, W, E, and R keys as hotkeys.
There are profile options for Standard, Grid (which maps everything to 15 specific keys), left-handed options for both, and the original StarCraft's hotkeys, as well as custom profiles. The hotkeys below are for the right-handed Standard template.
A fantastic upgrade with the remastered collection is all the new hotkeys. Taking some time to learn these could give you that boost you needed. You can even assign a hotkey to a certain build option like the Power Plant. Pressing this hotkey once will start production and once production is finished you can press the hotkey again to select the building for placement.
Recently, Rampastring of Dawn of the Tiberium Age fame has updated the client, which Mental Omega also uses, making it possible to adjust the hotkeys in its Options menu as well, so you won't have to start the game every time you want to remap those. The work continues.
Alerts in the list are organized into groupings.Expanding a group reveals alert messages specific to elements on the page.The messages are links that when followed will place focus on the element to which the alert associates.
Alerts associating with the Active Element will appear in the ANDI Output.Activating an alert in the ANDI Output will open anAlerts Help page which provides details about the specific Alert and remediation steps.
The Active Element will be retained on refresh, and the components, output, and alerts,will be updated.This provides a way to test dynamically changing properties such as the current state ofa table column sorter or an expand/collapse controller.
The default hotkeys for go to last notification are middle mouse and home key. I instinctively press the middle mouse button when I hear the attack notification.Also make a habit of looking at the minimap every 5 seconds.
The hotkeys settings can be accessed by clicking on the little gear icon in the most top left corner in the main menu. Here, the player can customize many hotkeys, or select one of the many pre-set hotkey templates. Almost every key on the keyboard can be bound to something, with a very few exceptions. The exceptions usually have a set purpose in the game and thus are unbindable.
Speed Dial - Click to display the configured speed dial numbers. Click a number to dial it directly. You can also configure a speed dial number by clicking Configure Speed Dial. For details, see Viewing hotkeys.
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